Art Journal Post 2015

New Year Poem 2015

New Year 2015

Prevailing winds bring warm, moist, air to the western British Isles.

The New Year meets me, and suddenly, I feel afraid.

Seeing the blood soaked body of my will…

All determination shed

in recognition of those heavy, waves of past,

rolling forwards.  Though they once pulled me back…

I am grateful.  But not for the time.  For eternity.

Air is forced to rise over high areas.

The Sun pulls me up, Oh, radiant light line of yellow…

Laid on black death roadsides, in busy city squares,

brick upon brick. Edifices of achievement seem frail.

Uninviting.  I find myself looking for alleys.

Like a cat, whose meditations settle on ants, scattering

in search of a single, discarded, sweet.

Air cools and condenses.

The Moon puts me to bed, and sings a lullaby of long lost love.

Long, lost love, which I missed somehow.  In the arc of an eye

or the stroke of a brush across uninitiated canvas,

I bring notes of colour onto white dreamtime.

The ground of vision and poetry opens,

petal by petal.  I pray for the future.

Clouds form and it rains.

Into the river it rains, dark branches, stretching deep. Echoes

expansive thoughts.  We want the numinous.  The spirit of life.  The flow.

The marks engraved into rooted trunks.

Waters well from the base of the temple.

Not a single green leaf…Yet…But there will be.

Drop down, drop down, people.  Lie into the ground, and be covered.

Written New Year’s Day,  2015 Jenny Meehan (still may edit a little more, not quite sure, as yet.)

Nice Find:


Thinking around directions for this year…

I loved the series on TV recently…The Mekong River with Sue Perkins

and Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve…  On the Ganges episode, I was particularly struck by the baptism in the river section, and also the burying of the dead…

It made me reflect on my own choice to be baptised (as a Christian believer) when I was 18.   Now that is a long time ago!

Baptism can be understood in lots of different ways, and  has lots of different beliefs and ideas attached to it, depending on the religion/faith tradition, the particular denomination or movement,  and the individuals understanding and reasons for deciding to participate in the rite.

As water has been a constant and reoccurring symbol in  my visual art and poetry for some time, I am interested in pulling my focus into exploring the rite of baptism, and most specifically (given that the word is very wide in the senses in which it might be understood)…most specifically in relation to identification with Christ.   I have chosen this route because, quite simply, my own baptism was an event which I chose to take part in for that very reason… And I started a painting at the time, which I abandoned.

I stopped painting altogether.  I won’t go into the details, but it was a big loss.  Almost a loss of heart.  It’s nice to be in a place where I can look back again at the time, and pick up what I put down.    So we will see what happens.

As I began to research a little (this is of mixed value, sometimes too much information and stimulation results in overload!)  I did find this:

from The Temple (1633) , by George Herbert:

¶ H. Baptisme. (I)

AS he that sees a dark and shadie grove,
Stays not, but looks beyond it on the skie;
So when I view my sinnes, mine eyes remove
More backward still, and to that water flie,

Which is above the heav’ns, whose spring and vent
Is in my deare Redeemers pierced side.
O blessed streams! either ye do prevent
And stop our sinnes from growing thick and wide,

Or else give tears to drown them, as they grow.
In you Redemption measures all my time,
And spreads the plaister equall to the crime.
You taught the Book of Life my name, that so

What ever future sinnes should me miscall,
Your first acquaintance might discredit all. “

Oh, God, isn’t that wonderful.  Really like that.  Love the language so much too.    Sinnes is so much better than sins!


Well there is a lack of painting right now, mostly due to the fact that the house is full of people and the Studio Tent is freezing. Freezing.  Indoors is not much better, as the heating has broken, and I am preparing myself for some major expense.  Ahhh!  I read a great deal about other painters approaches, thoughts and work on blogs such as “Painter’s Table”. 

It’s quite helpful, as apart from my fellow Kingston Artist’s Open Studios folk,  and a few longer term painters who I converse with,  I have limited opportunity to discuss in depth ways of working, work, and motivations, thoughts, directions in painting. I used to enjoy “Abstract Critical” quite a bit, but that no longer continues.  

My Psychotherapist is a good person to discuss work with, and my Spiritual Mentor also, so I am grateful for them.  I have had some excellent conversations with artists I have met over the last year in particular, and the consensus has been that if we invest our time into focused discussions this brings a lot of creative energy and light into our work, our perceptions, and our creativity in general.  Reading, listening and talking do serve as fuel for the fire!  I need a fire, right now!

Love Bade Me Welcome…     (I think I have already posted this previously, but never mind..)

George Herbert. 1593–1632

Love  (first verse only)

LOVE bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back,
Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning
If I lack’d anything.

love bade me welcome painting jenny meehan

love bade me welcome painting jenny meehan copyright Jenny Meehan 

And lastly, something quite old, but seems fresh.  Needed at this time of year.  Never got around to some collage in 2014, but hoping for some in 2015.

Living collage jenny meehan

Living collage jenny meehan copyright jenny meehan 

How to Support Jenny Meehan

If you like my art working and would like to support me you can!
Just put

in your browser and follow instructions. There’s no option for me to thank you via the PayPal Me process but do contact me via contact form and let me know if you have gifted me so I can thank you.

You can buy my original paintings directly from me personally.

Just contact me via the contact form. Jenny Meehan/jennyjimjams – Art and Design – Contact Me

Sometimes they are offered for sale during exhibitions too. Normally its more expensive to buy them this way, (though not always). Some organisations enable me to price my work in an accessible way due to the way they operate, but if a submission fee is required I obviously have to factor it in.

I dislike this system, but art exhibitions are used to generate funds for different organisations and charging artists to submit artwork (to submit… Even if not accepted!) is one way this is done. There are also other costs incurred by the artist in supplying the artwork for exhibition. So artists artworks sold during an exhibition are frequently more expensive for an art collector to purchase. It is often preferable to approach an artist directly and view work by arrangement in person.

If you are thinking of buying one of my original paintings I can arrange a viewing for you. If you are looking for something specific in terms of colour and/or style, just let me know because I have many more paintings than I am able to display online. I can send you further information on the process of buying artwork directly from me if you would find that helpful. I appreciate that it is unfamiliar ground for many people.

Also available via redbubble, the well known print on demand marketplace, you can buy unsigned prints on many substrates. This is an easy and convenient way to purchase my art online.

Take a look here:

It’s also a very good place to get a feel for quite a big strand of my creative artworking. Any problems locating what you want, feel free to contact me via the contact page on this Art Journal/ Artist Blog.

I have TWO Redbubble Artist portfolios! The “jennyjimjams” one has most artwork on it at the time of writing.

My two Redbubble Artist portfolios are;

I have mostly the abstract, flat colour geometrical art in Redbubble as it makes nice prints. I selected work for that platform in order to help my work become more accessible. There’s also a lot of surface pattern designs. I post more of those on my

Artist profile. I find creating patterns very therapeutic!

The main style of my original painting is Lyrical Abstraction/Abstract Expressionism. I also enjoy working with black and white photography tending towards pictorialism. I frequently use collage and digital collage.

Copyright and Licensing Digital Images Information – Jenny Meehan

Copyright in all images by Jenny Meehan is held by the artist.
Permission must be sought in advance for the reproduction, copying or any other use of any images by Jenny Meehan. Individuals or businesses seeking licenses or permission to use, copy or reproduce any image by Jenny Meehan should, in the first instance, contact Jenny Meehan.

Copyright for all visual art by Jenny Meehan is managed by the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) in the UK. If you wish to licence a work of art by Jenny Meehan, please contact Jenny Meehan in the first instance to clarify your requirements.

DACS always make an initial proposal for image licensing fees in line with the industry standard. Personally, I am open to negotiation. So contact me in the first instance so we can discuss your requirements, project, and budget. The Designer and Artists Copyright Society will administrate accordingly.

It is I, the artist, who determines the final licensing fee, and there are often projects, charitable organisations, people and smaller ventures with  which I am particularly keen to work with because of a shared vision. I appreciate budgets can be restrictive. While image licensing fees for my art images will broadly based on the industry standard, this is a guide amount, and can vary subject to circumstances.

The administration for organising an image licence is straightforward for both parties, and is done  through the Design and Artist Copyright Society. They provide you with the licence paperwork and I supply you with the image.